Master Bedroom in Maximalist style
Wallpaper, Fabrics & Furnishings combining Mink & Ivory
Enveloped in Velvet Drapes
Traversing Drapes provide Privacy, Room darkening, insulation, sound proofing, coziness!
A Statement Bolster
Hale Navy walls perfect backdrop for a calming Master Bedroom
Florida Flora
Linen Fabric Bolster on Bed same print as Wallpaper!
Upoholstered Bed in Pomegranate Print
Custom traversing drapes & coverlet
Pillow story
Soft hues in contrasting velvets, linen and antelope print
Colorful Coverlet bound with Blue Twill tape
Headboard cushion custom covered in Navy Wool
Romantic windows
Interlined with English bump, these full drapes are great insulators
Pyne Hollyhock edged in velvet
Modern take on a classic 1960’s chintz print, revived in a blush color